Did you see the interview Bush did with online news source Politico and Yahoo News on Tuesday? (video here and here's a transcript if you're like me and feel physical revulsion when hearing George W. Bush's voice.) I sure hope not, because if you did then you're liable to be pretty pissed off (of course, if you're not outrage then you're not paying attention) because Bush used the interview as yet another mouthpiece for his lies and deceptions. it is just disgusting to not only read Bush's answers to submitted questions, but to find no critical response from the journalists, and I use that term loosely, in the face of the lies.
Just what the hell is it with journalists these day anyhow? From where I'm sitting many of them seem to be such willing sycophants to people in power that they will not hold them accountable for what they say. The interviewer allowed Bush to get away with a host of easily disproved claims and wild accusations that smack of such egregious hypocrisy that I was almost moved to breaking my MacBook Pro. Have you no decency Politico hack Michael whatever-your-last-name-is? Did you land your job interviewing for a second-rate HuffingtonPost rip-off news site by demonstrating a lack of spine, or are you, like so many others working in journalism, more in love with yourself being on the news than actually reporting it? You're an ass kisser and not a serious reporter you immense douche bag.
In an effort to keep me from apoplexy I will not go through the interview question by question here, instead I'm going to point you to some media coverage of the interview. Take a look at Keith Olbermann's comments on Bush's interview. How impressive is his barley restrained outrage at Bush? How refreshing to see someone in the media as angry and frustrated with this inept, delusional President we have been blighted with. This is good reason to be angry.
The coup de grĂ¢ce of Olbermann's commentary is when he takes Bush to task for promoting the idea that he no longer plays' golf because he wants to show solidarity to the families who lost a loved on in Iraq. Not only does Olbermann point out the sheer lack of sympathy that skipping golf shows; he then goes on to show photos of Bush golfing two months after he said he stopped.
Bush is a liar. He has no respect for Americans and this light-weight fluff interview that seems more like a desperation blow-job than anything approaching journalism certainly shows that.
A few years ago I was talking with my father about the state of the world. He told me that when he was a young man he felt that there was a great hope that all the problems of the world like war and famine would be solved in his lifetime. Democracy and science seemed like the unbeatable team as we raced for the moon and fought for civil rights. My father is now in his mid sixties and after the events of the last few years he has reaccessed his youthful optimism. He may not live to see the damage done to the world by Bush's actions fixed, even if he lives a further sixty years.
In the past seven years we have taken so many steps backward in our country. The President has mislead the country under cover of brash ignorance, covering a manipulative agenda that benefits the few and dismantles our beloved Constitution. The hope I feel in the coming election is tempered by the knowledge that we have so much to do to repair our country and restore the Constitution that has been under attack from the Bush administration.
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