Friday, May 16, 2008

More of Golfgate from the WaPo

The Washington Post has followed up on Bush's Golfgate troubles with an article pointing out three occasions that Bush played golf after the date that he claimed to stop. The article is another one of the WaPo's typical fluffer pieces, and by fluffer piece I emphasize the term fluffer. There is no commentary on how often and easily Bush uses lies like this to deceive the American public. There was no comment on the knee injury that Bush suffered and how his claimed date that he stopped golfing coinsided with the injury.

Why is the author of this piece pleased to only note the factual errors in what Bush said and not dig deeper? It's probably because he wants to offset the negative on Bush by reminding everyone of Hillary's 'sniper fire' story. Bush is just 'old' and 'forgetful' he reminds us. When the Washington Post comes out with an endorsement for McCain remember that excuse.

The paper has been complicit in the deceits fostered on the American people by the Bush administration since January of 2001. I have to wonder what will happen to the news sources who were so glad to play propaganda mouthpiece when their public trust is finally gone.