Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Wherefore art Thou?

Has it really been a week since I last scribed a post on this blog? For shame, for shame. I should have posted earlier in the week, but alas, I had a busy week.

Taking a sweat soaked shirt off for the umpteenth time on Tuesday evening I sighed with relief. The long weekend was over and I looked forward to returning to work in the morning. I tossed the shirt into the pile that I'd been building over the past few days. My shirts piled up in the corner smelling of the sustained effort I put forth this weekend. I looked on them and smiled.

There is a feeling that I get after doing a lot of physical work that is a bit hard to explain. Sure there is the satisfaction that the job has ended, but there is also a romance to using nothing more than your mind and muscles to accomplish a task. Moving is one of those activities that gives me a lot of satisfaction and always has. Moving closes a chapter on one part of your life and opens a chapter on another.

This weekend Melissa and I, along with Colin, moved into our rent house. We've been moving since last Friday, and it has been a huge amount of work. Not only did we have to clear out Melissa's apartment of all it's content, but we also had to move loads of furniture and the like from my house. Furniture that has remained essentially in the same place for eleven years had to be loaded into trucks and driven the seven miles to the new place. The record breaking heat of May didn't make things easier, but it did make things more satisfying.

The main issue with moving for me is that my dust allergies really take it upon themselves to make the experience one punctuated by sneezes. Cleaning my house out really set them off as I was entering closets and grabbing things of shelves that haven't been disturbed in over a decade. I try not to let the sneezing bother me too much and to focus on getting things done as quick as can be. That way I can get out of the dust sooner. It sure seems to bother other people though as they just can't understand how I can sneeze ten times in a row and not be annoyed.

This move was made easier by the wonderful help that Colin provided. He not only carried a lot of things into the car for me, but he also helped me to navigate some of the larger pieces of furniture into the car including two Cargo beds, a love seat, two dressers and a lot of Legos and other toys. With his help I accomplished a lot more than I thought I would and for his efforts he was rewarded with a trip to Target for some Indiana Jones Legos. We also saw the new Indy film on Saturday, and it was enjoyable; especially with Colin and Melissa at my side.

Chelsea wasn't around for the main part of the weekend. She went off camping with friends and left the three of us to make headway on the move. Her help would have been nice, but the Memorial Day camping trip has been a yearly thing for her for years and we were not about to put the kibosh on it. Even without her help we were still able to accomplish a lot. When she returned on Monday she got to work helping her mother pack the remaining items at their apartment as Colin and I took load after load to the new house.

My parents have flown off for England and my Grandad's funeral. Before they left they came over to view the house and drop off the Tahoe, which has been a great help. While they were visiting we walked to the park in the neighborhood and watched as Colin played. My parents seemed to like the house and the neighborhood. I suspect that they're a little unsure as to what the plan with Wildwood is going to be, but they're in good company on that front.

Things are slowly settling down back to normal for the four of us now. There is still moving related tasks to do, but for the most part we have past the major hurdles and are enjoying the house immensely.